Justice Pour La Syrie is a (student-run) organization that aims to make a difference in Syria. Unfortunately, there are an incredible number of people in this country who cannot find food for their families, or even medical care. This is all due to the ongoing civil war since March 15, 2011. You can find more information about what is happening in Syria on this website.
Donate now and see the difference blossom for Syrian youth and refugees.
The link below gives you the opportunity to make a donation to save a Syrian family in need.
Your money goes towards Islamic Relief Canada, a Muslim-based organization that works here in Canada and has facilities dedicated to providing humanitarian aid in Syria, where this type of aid is hardly received. Founded in 2006, Islamic Relief Canada is a branch of Islamic Relief Worldwide that has been trusted in this type of aid for the past decade.
Every donation counts. Even $1 can help a Syrian family in need.